Seductive Girls Cookbook is perfect for any sexy girl on the go. Whether you’re a go-go dancing college student or a Las Vegas show girl, this cookbook will help you stay in shape and maintain your figure with easy and healthy recipes. It also features simple workouts you can squeeze in while you cook and the healthiest fast food choices if you need something on the go. We offer a convenient text option that’ll send any ingredient list to your phone and an audio file of cooking directions you can listen to while you work out. More than just a cookbook, consider us your personal nutritionist. Make staying sexy part of your everyday life.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Understanding the Marketplace and Consumers

I made a product by looking at the way technology is advancing and listening to the people around me. I'm a student surrounded by other students and I'm a photographer surrounded by image-driven people. So how did I find the time to understand the consumer? Well, I am a consumer and I understand my own needs as well as others. What I want is convenience and what my clients want is the ideal look without the hassle. According to Kotler, it's important to understand the changing age structure. My target consumer is the millennial. "Born between 1977 and 2000รข€¦One thing that all of the Millennials have in common is their utter fluency and comfort with computer, digital, and Internet technology. They're consumers of every imaginable means of communication: TV, radio, cell phone, Internet, video games." My cookbook will be the first cookbook that won't only have the same recipes because it'll send them new recipes every week through email or text. Plus well have a website open only to those who purchased the book for other meal ideas and incorporated workouts. Cooking directions can be uploaded to mp3 players and our website will be open to any suggestions.

Quote 5/ Chapter 3
Pg 72: Understanding the Marketplace and Consumers
(Philip Kotler, Marketing, An Introduction)

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